Anyone over the age of 18 is permitted to gamble at over 100 legal casinos throughout California, giving its citizens and visitors unprecedented access to some of the most exciting gaming in the country. Swinomish Casino is committed to providing a safe and secure gambling environment for its guests, and they take this policy very seriously.Ĭalifornia has long been regarded as one of the most progressive states in the country, with a gambling law that is one of the most liberal in the country. If you are not 21, you will still be able to enjoy the great food at the casino’s restaurants, as well as the many entertainment events and activities. Furthermore, valid identification is required to prove that you are of legal gambling age.
As with all casinos in the United States, it is illegal to gamble if you are under 21 years of age. The minimum age to play at Swinomish Casino is 21 years old.